The Body Tithe Devotional

90-Day Corporate Reading Plan

Prepared by: Tramaine F. Ellis,
BMBC Health & Wellness Consultant


At the start of every new year, many will make resolutions to improve their health and fitness. By the end of Q1, the majority have already fallen off, and few know how to get back on. This reading plan helps us to approach our fitness journey from a spiritual point of view. When we set our focus on Jesus, and not our desired results, we set ourselves up for greater success.


Understand how our faith can fuel our fitness and make it our goal to honor God with our body.

  • To make God the center focus of our fitness
  • To manage our emotions along the journey…maximize the ups and minimize the downs
  • To build our faith through the Word daily
  • To become consistent in making smart choices as it relates to nutrition, exercise, and sleep
  • To make fitness a lifestyle, not a resolution

An introductory message from BMBC Health & Wellness Consultant
Tramaine F. Ellis

Body Tithe Devotional Access


Enrollment Required | Day 1 unlocked


Weeks 1–3: Fire Phase

Weeks 4–6: Flame Phase

This section does not have any lessons.

Week 7: Fizzle Phase

This section does not have any lessons.

Weeks 8–10: Fortitude Phase

This section does not have any lessons.

Week 11: Flare Phase

This section does not have any lessons.

Weeks 12 & 13: Fun Phase

This section does not have any lessons.